
The maketicks EvaluRating™ is based upon our personal experiences using trading evaluations and objective measurement of rules, policies and conditions – some of which are only visible once you become funded!

We aim to provide the most up-to-date offers & promotions, and give a balanced assessment of the features, conditions, pros & cons of each funding company.

We’re highly experienced in this space. We’ve taken many evaluations with all of the companies in our EvaluRating comparison table; tested their rules, policies and customer service; signed up up to funded accounts and withdrawn our profits.

Note: we are an affiliate partner with some of these companies. If you click a link we may receive a small commission which helps us keep the site running and bringing you better deals.

Latest Deals

Click on any column header to sort it based on what’s most important to you – up-front cost, time to withdrawal, customer service, etc.


– want to stay updated with the best deals from the evaluators? Join our newsletter below.

– Bonus! All newsletter subscribers receive Trading Research Group’s Essential Guide to Trading Evaluators course (normally $9.99) and can save $10 on their ‘Combine Hacking’ advanced training.

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Specific Company Offerings (reword)

  • LeeLoo Express: $77 blah blah
  • GoAll: straight to funded
  • etc
  • TODO use blog and categories???

Latest updates

  • CONDITIONAL CTA: Register to get all the latest updates and the best deals from the trading evaluators
  • 1 October, 2021: XYZ has removed blah rule
  • 3 September, 2021: this has changed
  • TODO use blog and put latest posts in here

CONDITIONAL CTA. Want to learn more....? -> list

  • CONDITIONAL CTA: Register to get all the latest updates and the best deals from the trading evaluators